Thermal Power Generation in 2030 – Added Value for EU Energy Policy

Dinner debate in Brussels

Speaker: Prof. Emmanouil Kakaras, President of the European Power Plant Suppliers Association (EPPSA)

Intervention by Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, Director for Internal Energy Market, DG ENERGY

The dinner-debate gave us an occasion to discuss the 2030 targets and the role of thermal power generation in achieving them. The EPPSA study on “Thermal Power in 2030” will be launched in January 2015 but some early observations are already available and were outlined during the debate, with a specific interest in the foreseen capacity investment requirements.

Mr Kakaras also gave a brief emphasis on the efficiency and emissions of thermal power plants before and after retrofitting or refurbishing.

It was a pleasure to welcome our members to this event.

The EEF is a membership-driven organisation. We are pleased to welcome non-member companies eligible for membership to two of our events. After, we reserve the right to request membership for further attendance at events.

All EEF discussions are held under Chatham House Rule to provide anonymity to speakers and to encourage openness and sharing of information during the debate.

Participation is open to all MEPs interested in energy issues. Please contact the EEF if you are an MEP and you wish to take part in our debates.