Coal, Poland and COP 19

Dinner debate in Brussels


  • Mr. Janusz Piechociński, Deputy Prime Minister of Poland and Minister of Economy,
  • intervention by Mr. Paweł Smoleń, President, EURACOAL and President of the Management Board, TELE-FONIKA Kable

Poland relies on coal for about 90% of its electricity supply, locally mined hard coal and lignite alongside imported coal.  It has few other indigenous energy resources: most of Poland’s natural gas and oil supplies come from Russia.  Although Poland has ambitions to build a nuclear power plant and is committed to developing its renewable energy sector, coal and lignite will remain important components of its growing economy for many years to come. 

At this dinner debate, held during the opening days of COP-19 in Warsaw, Deputy Prime Minister Piechociński will explain what Poland hopes to achieve during these important negotiations and how they relate to the EU’s own climate and energy policy and future EU targets. 
Mr. Smoleń will shortly describe the coal industry’s joint declaration on the climate challenge prepared for COP-19.
The question and answer time will give participants the opportunity to ask their questions to the speakers.

It will be a pleasure to welcome our members at this event.