The transparent exchange of information and opinions on all political, economic, and technological aspects of energy policy is crucial in the legislative process.

The European Energy Forum is the place, open to all MEPs, private and public stakeholders, where this fruitful exchange takes place in order to foster dialogue between all stakeholders for a sustainable transition.


Because open information is key in policymaking

Our Forum provides Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) with data necessary to understand the energy issues discussed in their legislative work.

As they get an overall comprehension of energy-related topics, including climate and transport, they are able to form their opinion autonomously and make informed decisions when shaping political solutions for a successful energy transition.


We put openness, inclusiveness, neutrality and balance at the core of all our activities 

For more than  25  years,  we  ensure  the  exchange we promote is open,  transparent, science- and technology-based:

  • All MEPs and interested parties are equally welcome
  • We discuss all political and technological perspectives across the energy reality
  • We develop a programme of discussions based on the EU policy agenda & priorities
  • The EEF does not take any position