The EEF Secretariat, based in Brussels, is headed by a Director General who acts under the responsibility of the Bureau and directs the EEF daily work, activities and events.
The Secretariat takes care of the core business of the EEF, from financial administration and management to setting up every details of the discussion organised.
It works in close collaboration with the Forum political leadership, liaises with members, monitors the work of EU institutions and follows the main developments in the energy field. This monitoring is the basis to prospect possible subjects of interest and draw a programme of events able to meet present information needs and respecting the institutions’ timeline.
Pascale Verheust
Director General
Tel. +32 (0)2 227 04 60
+32 475 853427
Maud Michiels
Office Manager and Financial Advisor
Tel. +32 (0)2 227 04 61
Alessia Pasqua
Policy and Events Assistant
+32 470 45 38 51