Completing the IEM and paving the way towards 2030 through network codes

Dinner debate in Strasbourg

Speaker: Nick Winser, President of ENTSO-E;  CEO National Grid (UK)

An integrated, competitive European electricity market is crucial for Europe’s businesses and its citizens. According to the European Commission, EU customers could save up to €13bn a year if they could take advantage of cheaper offers, thus helping them offset price increases in other places, through rising fuel costs for instance. The benefits for European industry, which competes in a global market and needs competitive electricity prices to thrive, are equally important. A single electricity market is also fundamental for Europe to meet its low carbon targets as it will allow greater volumes of renewable electricity to be safely integrated into electricity transmission grids. 

In order to achieve these European energy and climate policy goals, the European Union charged ENTSO-E through the Third Energy Package with drafting the required rules – called network codes. The first of these network codes that ENTSO-E drafted and developed in cooperation with ACER, (the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators), and the European Commission will go into scrutiny by the European Parliament and Council in 2014.

This debate with Nick Winser aimed at clarifying how network codes will help achieve Europe’s energy and climate policy objectives for 2020 and, looking further ahead, how they help pave the way for 2030 and beyond.

It was a pleasure to welcome our members at this event.