Energie-Control Austria (E-Control) is the Austrian regulatory authority for the electricity and gas markets. It was set up by the legislator in 2001 and was transformed into a public authority in 2011. E-Control is headed by Mr Wolfgang Urbantschitsch and Mr Alfons Haber as executive directors and is entrusted with monitoring, supporting and, if necessary, regulating the liberalisation of the Austrian electricity and natural gas markets. For competition to emerge, market participants need clear rules of the game. As the regulator, E-Control is responsible for drawing up and enforcing these rules. E-Control strengthens competition and ensures that this does not compromise security of supply and sustainability. To act even-handedly in the interests of all market participants, E-Control is politically and financially fully independent.
- Mr Wolfgang Urbantschitsch
- Executive Director
- Rudolfsplatz 13a
- 1010 Vienna
- Austria
- URL : https://www.e-control.at/en/home_de