What role for Nuclear Energy in the EU energy mix?

High-Level Roundtable in Brussels

A discussion with:

MEPs Franc Bogovič & Tsvetelina Penkova, Directors of the EEF

Moderated by Pascale Verheust, Director General of the EEF

Yesterday, the EEF hosted its last High-Level Roundtable of this first series on the role of nuclear energy in the EU energymix.

Our co-chairs EEF Directors MEPs Franc Bogovič and Tsvetelina Penkova both stressed the need to abandon ideologies and look at facts and figures. When it comes to discussing the different energy sources of the current and future energy mix, the key conjunction to use should be “and” – and not “or”

The MEPs then exchanged with our Associate Members on the proposed second complementary delegated act to the EU Taxonomy Regulation. They also discussed nuclear energy’s contribution to the transition towards climate neutrality, its role in ensuring stability of the energy system by providing baseload capacity, as well as how it could help the EU security of supply alongside other technologies, especially in light of the conflict in Ukraine and the EU strong vulnerability to Russian energy imports. 

Thank you to all participants for their valuable contributions.